Instructional Materials

What is Instructional Materials Accessibility

教学材料和在线课程材料必须对残疾人无障碍,以便为他们提供有效的沟通.  Communication should be, to the extent possible, 对残疾人和非残疾人同样有效.  有效沟通的一个重要组成部分是提供可访问格式的及时性.  To the extent possible, instructional materials, including online course materials, 必须对残疾学生开放,同时对其他参加该项目的学生开放.  

As mentioned in the University Catalog IV. Policies Concerning Faculty and Expectations of FacultyOpens in new window


ATI Policies and Processes for Instructional Materials

Timely adoption of textbooks by faculty

每学期教务处都会给全体教员发电子邮件,通知他们及时订购科罗拉多州立大学富勒顿分校的教科书. The email contains the deadline for at least two upcoming semesters. 对于即将到来的夏季和秋季学期或即将到来的冬季和春季学期. 鼓励教师考虑低成本和无成本的材料,以帮助确保负担得起, accessible, high-quality education for students.

Timely adoption of textbooks procedurePDF File Opens in new window .


Data and Performance Reports regarding adoption of IM and timely, late-hire adoption is available upon request by emailing the Titan Shops directly.


Faculty Role In Supporting Students with Disabilities

教职员工和DSS支持人员共同努力,促进学生在CSUF获得教育的合法权利.  如果学生自我披露他/她有残疾,并要求住宿, faculty should refer them to contact DSS.  连接到DSS的学生将获得正式的住宿信(LOA)。.

Support Students with Disabilities UPS 300.001PDF File Opens in new window



学校鼓励教师通过校园学习管理系统Canvas发布教学材料来支持学生.  教师发展中心(FDC)发布了各种培训材料,帮助教师设置课程, record attendance, discussions, post grades, and perform online chats with students.

Resolution on Course Outlines and SyllabiPDF File

Canvas Resource Center

Learning Managememnt System Accessibility Enhancement ProceduresPDF File




Faculty Selection of Instructional Materials UPS 300.011PDF File Opens in new window


Support faculty in the creation of accessible course content

CSU Fully Online (formerly "CourseMatch") 

所有CSU完全在线课程都由FDC工作人员审核. 在审核完每门课程的教学材料后,FDC工作人员会联系教师进行补习.


Campus offers tools for creating captions like Camtasia, VoiceThread's captioning option, Canvas Studio and ShareStream auto-caption running the IBM Watson engine.

字幕可通过供应商通过联系ATC的ATI工作人员收取费用来快速周转. Captioning of exclusively lecture material is available for free via the Titan Accessible service. 该系积极推销并联系教师,为他们的讲课材料配上字幕. 如果残疾学生已经自我识别,那么DSS将在学期开始前与学生的课程教师联系,并收集他们所有的媒体用于字幕/转录,从而创建字幕或成绩单.

如果需要字幕(非讲座材料)或快速字幕服务,校园可以与我们的供应商合作,为您的材料添加字幕.  此过程将产生费用,由请求部门通过部门退款支付.  当你联系下面列出的任何支持人员时,你需要有你的退款号码.

Support Staff
Name Department
Marc Montaser Academic Technology Center, IT
Marc Trinh Academic Technology Center, IT
David Palmquist Library
Marsha Orr School of Nursing
DSS Team Disability Support Services

Anthology Ally

Anthology Ally通过为教师上传的每个文档提供可访问性评分,允许教师查看其教学文档在LMS中的可访问性. 同时,Ally还为学生提供下载由他们的教师上传的每个教学文件的替代格式文件的选择.  想要提高可访问性分数的教师可以从他们的大学教学设计师那里获得帮助,或者在CSUF ATI主站点上报名参加文档可访问性培训. 


Ally generates the following formats:

  • BeeLine
  • eBraille
  • ePub
  • HTML
  • OCRed PDF
  • Tagged PDF
  • Audio

 Please use the Ally Instructor PackagePDF File Opens in new window to improve your instructional materials stored in the LMS.



College-based Instructional Designers 随时准备帮助教师创建和改进在线课程, hybrid and web-enhanced classes.  加州州立大学残疾支持服务办公室的使命, Fullerton is to increase access and retention for students, faculty, 通过确保在十大靠谱网赌平台的各个方面公平对待有永久性和暂时性残疾的员工.  



Faculty Course Design Checklist for accessibility

In accordance with Policy on Syllabi (Course Outlines) UPS 300.004PDF File 课程大纲至少应提供每门课程的详细信息.  The Faculty Development Center (FDC) provides a Syllabus Design and ResourcesOpens in new window  包括课程大纲清单在内的部分将帮助教师确保他们继续满足这些要求.


Instructional Materials Evaluations

所有科罗拉多州立大学完全在线(CourseMatch)课程在开课前都经过审核,以确保可访问性.  在审核完每门课程的教学材料后,FDC工作人员会联系教师进行补习.

Anthology Ally是Canvas (LMS)中教师的自我评估工具,用于为教师提供反馈和指导,以修改教学材料以满足文档可访问性标准.